Underrated Healthy Vegetables

A stern warning from the doctor about the need to eat more produce hasn’t done much to improve American eating habits.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported only 8.9% of adults in the U.S. were eating the recommended amount of vegetables.Processed convenience foods are a big part of the problem. On the other hand, the veggies themselves might play a role.

Certain greens and cruciferous vegetables have enjoyed quite a bit of popularity in recent years. Still, a person can only take so many servings of roasted cauliflower before it starts to get old. Additionally, increased demand has made a lot of produce much costlier than it once was. But who says you need to be on trend in order to eat healthy? The next time you hit the grocery store, load up on these vegetables to eat well with ease.

  • Carrots
    The vibrant orange hue should give you a clue as to how great this veggie is. The color indicates high levels of carotenoids, powerful compounds that research has linked to a reduced risk of some types of cancer and eye disease
    As for the specifics one medium carrot contain 25 calories, 1.5 grams of fiber, a decent amount of vitamin C, and a whopping 204% of your daily vitamin A needs.
  • Parsley
    It’s usually used as a pasta garnish while cilantro, basil, and mint steal the spotlight. You might want to start giving parsley a little more love because it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals, including a decent amount of folate.
  • Onions
    Usually considered a flavoring rather than a vegetable, onions can do a world of good for your health. Onions are also pretty smart for those watching their weight. Onions make a great base for any soup, stew, or braise. You can also caramelize them for a sweet topping, which goes great on pizza and sandwichesю
  • Celery
    This crunchy veggie is a lot nutritious! According to the USDA’s nutrient database, 1 cup of chopped stalks is only 16 calories and provides you with a decent amount of vitamin A and folate. Most notably, though, celery is an excellent source of vitamin K, a key nutrient for bone and blood health.
  • Radishes
    This water-packed veggie offers more than just a spicy kick for your salad. A full cup contains 19 calories plus a good amount of vitamin C and fiber.


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