Unexpected Benefits Of Foot Massage

 Foot massage has been practiced in many cultures for centuries to promote health and well-being. Today, massage is considered a complementary and alternative medicine used by millions to relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, rehabilitate injuries and boost general health.

  • Improves circulation
    A 10–20 minute massage session before going to bed can greatly improve circulation in the lower extremities, which is particularly important for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Helps prevent foot and ankle injuries
    A short session three to five times a week will ensure that you minimize the risk of injury. We all have our moments of clumsiness. But a strengthened and flexible ankle and foot ensures that we can avoid unpleasant injuries.
  • Lowers blood pressure
    High blood pressure has become fairly common in modern men and women. It can be caused by a number of things such as stress and diet. 10-minute foot massage session up to three times a week resulted in improved mood, less anxiety and lower blood pressure.
  • Helps with flat feet and plantar fasciitis
    People with flat feet do not have a normal foot arch due to ligament laxity, which causes the arch to collapse. It can have no major effect on a person, but some people experience foot pain after even mild physical activity due to flat feet. Regular foot exercise coupled with deep massage, where you apply strong pressure on the arch, can help significantly lessen the pain and even cure these conditions.
  • Helps alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause
    The most common symptoms suffered during PMS include feelings of sadness and unhappiness, irritability. Anxiety, tension, insomnia, fatigue, headaches and mood swings etc.
  • Reduces the effects of depression and anxiet.
  • Helps with headaches and migraines


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